Market research is an organized effort to gather information about product, price, promotion & distribution. Its techniques encompass both qualitative techniques such as in-depth interviews as well as quantitative techniques such as customer surveys. In the end, make use of it for correct decision-making
Examples of market research carried out by Detective Indonesia:
1. Investigating with dealers whether promotions, prices and distribution channels are in accordance with the SOP.
2. Purchase samples of goods in a certain area followed by in-depth interviews with the shops that sell them.
3. Are the services provided by the branches in accordance with the SOP (Mystery Guest).
"Riset pasar adalah upaya terorganisir untuk mengumpulkan informasi mengenai produk, harga, promosi & distribusi. Tekniknya mencakup teknik kualitatif seperti wawancara mendalam serta teknik kuantitatif seperti survei pelanggan. Pada akhirnya dimanfaatkan untuk pengambilan keputusan yang tepat.
Contoh market reseach yang dilakukan Detective Indonesia:
1. Investigasi pada dealer-dealer apakah promosi, harga dan jalur distribusi sudah sesuai dengan SOP.
2. Pembelian sample barang di area tertentu diikuti dengan In-depth interview terhadap toko-toko yang menjualnya.
3. Apakah pelayanan yang dilakukan cabang-cabang sudah sesuai dengan SOP(Mystery Guest)."